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Business Glossary

MOSAIC Business Glossary

Science-intensive product

Objectives and solution

Our approach

The use of a single glossary by all employees is an important part of the manageability of an organization

The use of a single business glossary provides:
• Improving communication processes
• Communication in “one language”
• Unambiguous perception of information
• One culture
• Relevance of information

The goal is for all employees to use the same glossary

Issues to be solved

Duplication of terms is not allowed. In this case, the search, including from external systems, works according to the principle of "Greedy search", for example, if a phrase that is a term is encountered in the report, it will be uniquely identified.
Example: “Revenue assurance” will be represented as one reference to this term, rather than 2 different references to “Revenue”, and separately to “Assurance”.

Each term can have several definitions that explain its meaning. At the same time, each definition can have only one term (leading term) that uniquely identifies it.
Example: the term "key" can have definitions: a device for unlocking a lock, a digital sequence for encrypting data, a sign of linear notation that determines the pitch value of notes, a code for activating a license, etc.

A simple, linear term list is suitable for entry-level tasks. When working in companies, there is usually a need to establish relationships between terms, such as synonym-antonym, generalization-clarification, whole-part ...
Example: "Revenue" - generalization, "Service revenue" - specification.

Each employee can suggest new terms and clarify definitions, but the final version should only be published after review by subject matter experts and approval by the person responsible for the topic.
External open systems can easily be linked to the glossary using the supplied preprocessor.

The ability for users, for example, to assign relationships between different terms on their own, and to assign them not "on a whim," but guided by a system of concise and understandable questionnaires, which leads to building mathematically rigorous relationships between concepts, while users do not require a deep expert level.

Step-by-step search for a suitable term if the user has only an abstract concept that he wants to designate. The search among a huge variety of abstractions is carried out using a technique based on the principle of a cone of light over the landscape of conceptual space, which moves step by step towards the desired definition, while narrowing the size of its base - the light spot.

MOSAIC Business Glossary features

Useful MOSAIC Business Glossary features

Terms and definitions are entered by users
Any user can create terms and definitions without obtaining special access, followed by confirmation of the created terms by a supervisor.
Term attributes
Term Attributes - Any Content, including links to web resources, attached documents, etc.
Terms properties
Terms can have their own and inherited properties
Multilingualism of terms and definitions
Terms and definitions can be presented in many languages at the same time, search works in any languages
Relations between terms
Out of the box synonym-antonym, generalization-clarification, whole-part relationships are supported. Additional links can be configured without involving developers.
Versioning of terms
All versions of terms and definitions are stored in the MOSAIC Business Glossary
Customizable terms approval schema
Hierarchical approval scheme is customizable without involving developers
Search terms
A two-phase adaptive search is applied using the Damerau-Levenshtein distance to process the entered search terms
All actions in the system are logged
Data protection
Role-based access
The subject matter expert is responsible for publishing terms and definitions.
Work on secure protocols
Science-intensive approach
The system is organized not as a primitive linear reference book of terms, but as an N-dimensional space in which the elements of a set of terms are located.
Each dimension is a separate type of association
The design of the system was made taking into account the strict fixation of abstractions of the concepts "term", "definition", "association", etc., due to which the expansion of the functionality does not lead to a weakening of the structuring of the conceptual space (rigorous model).
Integration with MOSAIC BI
Terms in the report can be presented as links to definition forms in the glossary
Integration with MOSAIC MDM
Terms in reference books can be presented as links to definition cards in the glossary
Integration with the MOSAIC data catalog
Terms in Data Catalog can be presented as links to definition cards in the glossary
Work on Enterprise or Open source
• Single version works on both Oracle or PostgreSQL
• Provides full functionality regardless of the used DBMS
Work on Commodity equipment
• MOSAIC runs on low-cost x86 servers.
• No strong memory requirements
• No requirements for the workplace