Breaking news: MOSAIC Grand release

Demands Manager

MOSAIC Demands Manager

We use it, we recommend it

Objectives and solution

Our approach

To build interaction with our valued customers, we use MOSAIC. Demands Manager of our own design, which we can fully recommend to you. The system was designed and is being developed based on real work experience and now contains all the necessary functionality that allows us to:
• Maintain a channel for receiving requests for development of our products and the inclusion of new functionality required by customers in the roadmap for the development of the data management and business intelligence platform MOSAIC
• Provide advice on customer requests on various topics
• Arrange technical support for our products.

MOSAIC Demands Manager features

Useful MOSAIC Demands Manager features

Authorization and role-based access model
Hierarchical structure of requests
Customizable scheme for changing demands status
Executers assignment
Attributes of demands - any content
Priorities and "weights" of demands
Support for text tags
Classification of demands by type
Links between demands
Convenient navigation and search for demands
Demands status change history
Demands statistics
Notifications subscription