Breaking news: MOSAIC Grand release

Data Catalog

MOSAIC Data Catalog

The most fashionable product

Objectives and solution

Our approach

Recently, the amount and variety of data available to us has become overwhelming. There is more and more data inside companies and available external data. There is a growing variety of IT systems that contain data used to analyze and create data-driven processes and products. The task of finding suitable data is not very trivial. At the same time, completely different entities can be hidden under one name.

For many employees, especially beginners, finding the data they need often turns into a real quest. At the same time, the time of qualified personnel working with data is not cheap.
The MOSAIC data catalog helps to solve the problem of collecting information about data, classifying them and describing them for easy search and use.

MOSAIC Data Catalog Version 2 will be available soon

MOSAIC Data Catalog features

Useful MOSAIC Data Catalog features

Automatic metadata collection
• Regular check for updated metadata in data sources
• Alerts the data stewards of detected changes in metadata
• Metadata enrichment with technical information
Manual metadata enrichment
• Web interface
• Ability to load data descriptions from files
• Cloning data descriptions
• Hints on the matching metadata in different objects
Metadata Import/export
• Upload/download from MS Excel
• Used if users are more accustomed to working in Excel
• Used for mass data correction
Various data checks settings
• data freshness control rules
• data quality control rules
Data relationships
• Relationships "Identity", "Master - Slave" are supported to determine the primary data source
• Data lineage building
Metadata attributes
• Metadata attributes - any content
• Dictionaries of attribute values are supported, for example, list of domains
Customizable metadata approval schema
• Hierarchical scheme of approval and publishing metadata
Search metadata
• Keyword search with intelligent typo handling
• Search by attributes
Bilingualism of metadata descriptions
• Descriptions of metadata can be presented in two languages
Integration with MOSAIC MDM
• Reference data of metadata attribute values are maintained
Integration with MOSAIC business glossary
• Terms in the data catalog can be represented as links to definition cards in the MOSAIC glossary
Integration with MOSAIC Business Intelligence and Reporting
• Search for reports containing specified data
• Automatic collection of a list of reports in which this data is used
• Cross navigation between reports and data catalog
• Reporting on the filling and statuses of metadata
Logging of all actions
• All actions in the system are logged
Metadata access
• Role-based access model
• Access by domain
• Interface for interaction with external systems