Breaking news: MOSAIC Grand release

Mosaic BI

MOSAIC Business Intelligence & Reporting

Flagship product

An example of user-configurable data visualization capabilities in Mosaic

Examples of various Mosaic reports

Objectives and solution

Our approach

Data becomes a real asset that allows the Company to improve the efficiency of its business and receive additional revenue only when:
• data is reliable, complete and consistent
• data is provided fast and timely
• the cost of owning and working with data does not exceed the benefits of data
• data is available to all authorized employees of the Company and IT systems
• it is convenient to work with data
• the results of working with data can be easily published
• when working with data, you comply with legal requirements

We propose an innovative approach to working with data, which consists in the implementation of a unique type of system - a high-load quasi-OLAP using a two-stage model for creating a data slice. At the first stage, using a queuing system and managing the load on data sources, a preliminary cutting of the virtual cube consists of data from varios data sources is performed based on user requests in order to generate a cube of a smaller dimension, which user can analyze himself at the second stage online.

MOSAIC BI processes data where it is, and takes on demand only the data required by the user, since separate data storage in many cases simply does not pay off.

The following results are achieved: interactivity with the possibility of processing large amounts of data with minimal impact on data sources and significantly reducing the cost of working with data.

Issues to be solved

All indicators of the Company must be consistent and reliable, they must be trusted by employees throughout the structure of the Company. Disputes over whose indicator is more correct are unacceptable.

Report generation time, even taking into account the need to collect data from several IT systems and run reports in bulk at the same time, should not slow down business processes.

All formed and transferred to auditors, partners, regulators reports should be kept for the case of claims from counterparties. The use of an application cluster solution reduces the cost of storage.

There is more and more data in companies. The variety of IT systems containing data is increasing. The task of finding suitable data is not very trivial. At the same time, completely different entities can be hidden under one name.
Finding the right data is often a quest for new hires.

In the modern world, tasks arise that promptly require new functionality, for example:
• launch of a new product, service or line of business
• reaction to new challenges of cyber fraudsters
• new requirements of regulators
• response to competitors' actions
• process optimization, for example, during the Covid-19 lockdown
At the same time, modification of existing IT solutions is impossible because
• IT system is `boxed solution`
• IT system is self-written, and the competencies for it are lost
• there is no contract with the IT system vendor
• modification is very long or expensive
Usually a significant part of the required functionality is based on data and can be quickly implemented on the MOSAIC platform and optionally integrated into IT systems.

Information for making decisions or actions is needed as quickly as possible. Waiting for the data to load into the data warehouse is wasting time. It is advisable to take the data from the source immediately after they appear.

Obtaining data and generating reports should not adversely affect the performance of IT systems that ensure the functioning of the Company`s business.

It is necessary to comply with the personal data protection regulation.
Access to data should be strictly delimited even within one report. Unauthorized access can lead to reputational and direct losses.

Waiting for IT staff resources can reduce business efficiency. Self work of employees with data is a solution to the problem.
At the same time, the availability of standard services for working with data and the ability to reuse and publish previously made own developments play an important role.

The ability to use open 3rd party SW, Commodity equipment and the ability to scale linearly reduces the TCO of the solution.

MOSAIC BI features

Useful MOSAIC BI features

Virtual data space
• Data virtualization - non-replication access
• We process data where it is
• We save time and resources of Clients
• We reach the maximum speed
Connection to various data sources
• Native proprietary connectors for Oracle and PostgreSQL
• Connect to any other data sources via ODBC or heterogeneous links
• Simultaneous access to different source systems
Minimal impact on data sources
• Built on the principles of Mass Service Theory, a queue of requests, taking into account priorities and complexity
• Dynamic resource quotas, periods of availability, time limits
• The constructor works with metadata, real data is selected in the required volume On demand
The most fresh data
• Does not require preloading of source data into special data structures
• Gets data directly from source systems
• Data freshness control
Work under heavy load
• Proven by operating experience under a load of up to 30'000 unique active users on 2 regular x86 servers
High speed of data providing
• Data caching
• Revealing similar data in queries
• Simple reports do not wait for complex reports to complete
• Auto-execute when data appears
Powerful report editor
• Full design customization
• Various data operations
• A wide range of functions for creating calculated indicators
• Support for a templating language similar to Smarty for text formats (html, csv, etc.)
Pixel perfect reports
• Formed based on templates created in MS Excel or MS Word
• PDF support for cases requiring readonly formats
External content
• Ability to embed into HTML reports iFrame that contain content from other systems obtained from links generated in the report
Data visualization
• Concept - chart by one click
• Interactive graphs in reports
• Dashboards
• Geodata visualization
• Information panels
• Visual data analysis
Results in the form of reports or datasets
• Reports can be generated both in the form of Excel, PDF, HTML, CSV, XML, and in the form of datasets without generating report forms
Sharing of developed designs
• Created reports can be saved as templates and shared with colleagues
• You can use default templates or available published templates
Sharing ready-made reports
• Responsible employee can pre-generate and publish reports for his entire department
Teamwork with dashboards
• Separate workspaces for team development of dashboards
• Private and public dashboards
• Transferring dashboards between environments
Trends calculation
• Applicable for scheduled reports
• Choice of an unlimited number of indicators
Forecasts calculation
• Approximation by various functions
• Periodic changes are supported
Event analytics
• Visual search for links between events that occurred and changes in indicators in reports
Autonomous reports calculation
• Intelligent parameter update
• Automatic error handling
• Conditional and dependent report executions
Monitoring the correctness of indicators
• Evaluation of the deviation of the fact from the forecast
• Cross-validation of indicators
• Hierarchical deviation alerts
Data freshness control
• The report will not be executed until the data in the source is newer than the specified date
Reports delivery
• Web interface
• Email
• File folders
• ftp / ftps / sftp
• url-links to http/https resources
• Uploading to various user databases
• Telegram
Event notifications
• Alerts of the correctness control system
• Notifications about the statuses of the reports
• Notifications about algorithm changes
Full self-service
• Ability to create your own algorithms for obtaining data with the ability to use all MOSAIC BI services to them.
Data protection
• Role-based access model
• Access by attributes
• Blocking access by inactivity
• Work on secure protocols
Data masking
• Dynamic customisable data masking in reports is supported.
at the same time, the data will be stored in the source system without distortion
Delegating access rights to reports to colleagues
• Delegation of one instance of a report
• Delegation of all reports of the selected type
• Full delegation
Storing generated reports
• Transparent archiving
• Saving versions of reference data and algorithms for each calculated report
• Invaluable when passing audits and disputes with contractors
Personal data deletion
• Automated selective destruction of personal data for GDPR compliance
Reports search
• Search for generated reports by parameters
• Search for suitable reports by keywords
• Search for suitable report by attributes
Logging of all actions
• All actions in the system are logged, including viewing data and reports
• Interface for working with external systems
• SOAP protocol is supported with automatic generation of WSDL sample queries
• Monitoring the load from external systems to protect against incorrect actions
Uploading data to external databases
• Supports uploading to various databases
• Report data and auxiliary can be unloaded
• Supported uploading of various types
• The structure set in the editor is taken into account
Integration with MOSAIC business glossary
• Terms in the report can be presented as links to definition forms in the glossary
Integration with MOSAIC MDM
• The Master Data Management system can be displayed directly on the report parameters form
Integration with MOSAIC data catalog
• Search reports by keywords, indicators and various attributes such as source, processes, etc.
Cluster architecture
• Implements an application cluster from any servers.
Work on Enterprise or Open source
• Single version works on both Oracle or PostgreSQL
• Provides full functionality regardless of the used DBMS
Working in containers
• Docker support
Work on Commodity equipment
• MOSAIC runs on low-cost x86 servers.
• No strong memory requirements
• No requirements for the workplace

Frequently asked questions

Usually, if the customer has all the necessary access to their resources, the deployment of MOSAIC basic version takes a few minutes.

• Knowledge of the operating system on which MOSAIC BI will be deployed at the system administrator level is required
• Knowledge of the DBMS on which MOSAIC BI will be deployed at the database administrator level is required
• Administrators should read the MOSAIC Installation Guide.
• The MOSAIC Administrator is required to complete the `One Day Course for MOSAIC Administrators`.

The basic version requires the following software:
• Operating system Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on Intel x64 or Centos 7 x64 or Oracle Linux or Ubuntu or Astra Linux or RED OS or ALT Linux
• DBMS PostgreSQL 11 or Oracle 19C
• PHP 7.4
In addition, for the system to work correctly, an installed and configured Apache web server is required.
To use the various functions of MOSAIC, you may need to install additional software, for example, Windows Server 2016, MS Office 2016 and newer, Gnuplot, etc.

After installing the MOSAIC system, it is required to connect MOSAIC BI to the data source systems, on which it is planned to build reports and do analytics.
After successful connection to data sources, the MOSAIC platform is ready to work in the user self-service mode.
However, we recommend that as part of the system deployment, order the development of the first 10 reports - examples that will demonstrate to users the capabilities of the system.

The data management and business intelligence platform MOSAIC is implemented in the C++ and PHP programming languages.

MOSAIC BI supports all basic types of data visualization. In addition, MOSAIC BI allows you to use plug-ins to meet a wide variety of customer needs.

In MOSAIC BI, you can order data/reports via:
• Web interface
• Telegram

MOSAIC BI has proprietary native connectors that work with Oracle, PostgreSQL, GreenPlum, ADB Arenadata DB, MS Excel, CSV. MOSAIC can connect to any other data sources via ODBC or heterogeneous links.

BI system MOSAIC has no restrictions on the size of the generated reports. MOSAIC BI upon reaching the limit of the selected format, for example, 1,048,576 rows for MS Excel, automatically changes the format to an alternative one that supports the required volume. One of our clients regularly generates reports of more than 100GB - all client payments for regulatory authorities.

MOSAIC BI platform is multilingual. The interface language can be switched by users with one click. Russian and English languages are supported.
Reports support various languages. For example, in the report of one of our clients, Russian, English and Georgian languages are simultaneously present.

For the functioning of the basic version of the MOSAIC, the following minimum server configuration is sufficient:
• CPU X86 64 bit 4 cores
• Memory 8Gb
• Hard drive 1 TB
• Network adapter 1 gigabit
The final hardware requirements are calculated individually and depend on the needs of the customer.

• Users must have basic Internet browsing skills.
• Users are encouraged to watch video tutorials on the main features of MOSAIC data visualization.
• Users are encouraged to complete the One-Day Course for MOSAIC Users.
• Users should have basic data manipulation skills such as in MS Excel.
• Data analysts for deep self-service work should have an understanding of approaches to writing SQL queries.

There are no special requirements for the user's workstation.
Free disk space is recommended - 100 MB.
There are no special requirements for Internet browsers to work with MOSAIC BI, but it is recommended (including but not limited to) for the following browsers to use versions not lower than:
• Microsoft Edge -> version 87
• Firefox -> version 84
• Google Chrome -> version 87
• Opera -> version 73
• Safari -> version 12

One of our clients has 24'000 active users successfully working on the following MOSAIC BI configuration:
3 servers class DL580.

For integration IT systems with MOSAIC BI, the SOAP protocol is supported. For the convenience of setting up the integration, the functionality for automatic generation of WSDL templates for SOAP requests is provided.

Out of the box - Excel, PDF, HTML, CSV, XML are supported, however, the customer can independently create their own report formats using a specialized SGML-like markup language. Also, the formats can be supported through the use of plugin modules, the development of which we can do by order.

In MOSAIC BI, you can get data/report via:
• Web interface
• Email
• File folders
• ftp / ftps / sftp
• url-links to http/https resources
• Uploading to various user databases
• Telegram

Nowadays MOSAIC BI can upload data to Oracle, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Hadoop.

• MOSAIC BI reports can be generated in MS Excel format.
• Pixel perfect Reports are generated on the basis of templates customizable in MS Word or MS Excel
• MS Excel files of complex structure can be input parameters of MOSAIC BI reports with the ability for users to self specify in a convenient interface which data from Excel to use.
• At the request of the user, the results of MOSAIC BI data requests can be presented in the form of an Excel pivot table for further analysis.
• PlugIn MOSAIC BI for MS Excel allows you to quickly and conveniently perform frequently used operations MOSAIC BI directly from MS Excel, as well as save the settings of pivot tables for future use in other reports.

In addition to data monetization through data products and support for making timely decisions based on data, MOSAIC platform effectively supplies the missing functionality of IT systems. In cases where modification of the IT system is impossible, because:
• IT system is `boxed solution`
• IT system is self-written, and the competencies for it are lost
• there is no contract with the IT system vendor
• modification is very long or expensive
in MOSAIC platform it is possible to quickly process data and give the result as an independent service or embed it into the interfaces of existing IT systems.
Here are just some areas in which using MOSAIC platform allowed our clients to save resources / earn extra money when IT systems could not provide all the required services:
• Dealer motivation. A specialized "off-the-shelf" solutions do not allow supporting all creative ideas for paying extra bonuses to dealers that significantly increase sales.
• Fraud management. Data can be used in revenue assurance controls to prevent fraud.
• Account receivable collection. Timely providing of data improves the quality and timing of collection receivables.
• Tariff plans updating. Updating tariffs by analyzing information about charges.
• Monitoring of problems in services. Helps prevent subscriber churn and profit loss.
• Payments to partners optimization. Based on data, fees for providers can be reduced, fines are issued on contractors.
• Reduction of fines and taxes. Fines for late submission of data to enforcement authorities, challenging the amount of assessed taxes.
• Customer support. Online data providing increases customer loyalty and average bill.
• Support for retail:
- Motivation of sellers. Sales efficiency falls if salesmen do not see their accumulated bonus every morning.
- Distribution of goods by shops. When distributing goods according to the data of the previous day, the goods are distributed to the wrong stocks.
- Daily pricing process. The daily generation of retail prices brings an additional percentage to revenue.
- Commercial removal of goods from stores to warehouses for further redistribution organized based on data analisys.
- Cash collection control in stores based on data.
- Merchant fraud control helps prevent unjustified bonus payments.
- Creating lists for defective goods compensation. Late creation of claims leads to refusals of suppliers to pay money.
- Return of defective non-repairable goods to suppliers. Waybills can be prepared in MOSAIC.